Utah Resume Writing Services

One may think that a resume is just a piece of paper and the actual thing to get the job is to be presentable while going for an interview. This is not the case to be. A hiring manager is flooded with that piece of paper finding it difficult to shortlist among the applicant. You might miss a chance to meet the hiring manager because of a poor resume.

What makes your resume outshine others?

A perfectly written professional resume will help the cause in a better way as it catches the eye of a hiring manager among the other piece of paper dumped in front of him. They don’t invest much time in reviewing all the resumes they come across, instead search for the keywords that is mandate in performing that job. If the hiring manager see less use of keywords in your resume, he / she will move onto the next one leaving your application rejected.

The way you approach a specialist for everything to get your job done in a finest way, same goes with a resume writing service as well. You may not know about the content in a resume from a candidate’s point of view, but a professional resume writer knows exactly the content that should be added in your resume to enrich your chances of getting selected for a face to face interview.

America is at a situation where almost all the companies opt for a staffing firm rather than hiring on their own through a walk-in drive. Earlier, people used to directly go the employer’s location for an interview but with an introduction of a recruitment firm, showing your positive behavioral attitude is now eliminated. The only way to get noticed by a company is your resume now which must be on point to nail a position.

The state of Utah has got some effective Resume writing services at a jaw dropping price which you can consider for getting the job you are applying. Below are some of them you might want to look in:


Workpapa.com has been doing business since 2000 and satisfying their client to the core. If you are looking for one of the best resume writing services in Utah, Workpapa.com will always stand a chance to be at the top. Apart from giving resume writing services, they go on to offer a lot of services to increase your selection for a specific job. 

They even have dedicated writer for every client to write their resume. All these things are done just to make sure that the client is satisfied with the service. A writer will talk with the client understanding their basic details like the responsibilities they performed while working with past employers and the most important skills they were using to complete the job. They seek to extract as much information as they can in order to draft the resume in a way that it looks eye-catching to the hiring manager. There service quotation ranges from $100 to $500 per client on a successful rewritten resume.

They offer various services such as:

  • Resume Rewriting: If you possess a resume of yours and you are willing that it should be rewritten in more flashy way, Workpapa.com has this service exactly for you to impress the sight of a hiring manager. Their charge for the service is very nominal and it comes along with an interview guarantee within 30 days. If the client is not shortlisted for any interview during the said period, they simply return the amount charged from the client.

  • Resume Creation: Under this facility, they create a resume for their client from scratch. They consult you over the phone enquiring even a tiniest detail which may in turn be an important thing to add in the resume. As usual, this comes with a 30-day guarantee to get you to the interview chair. This also comes with a budget which will not hit your pocket so hard. In fact, they return whatever amount they charge for the service of writing a brand-new copy of your resume.

  • Career Change Evolution: There has been many instances where someone calls it a day and goes back to the school to complete their studies. After completing their studies, they often seek position equivalent to their studies that they have completed. In many cases, that happens to be completely different profile which they used to do earlier. For this kind of scenario, Workpapa.com helps you under this program. They make sure that your resume still sparks strength even after having a complete revamp in your career.

  • Online presence and professional LinkedIn profile writing: Employer these days are more inclined towards seeing an employee socially. They see the profiles of an applicant on LinkedIn to have a rough idea about their abilities and social presence. Workpapa.com helps you in updating your LinkedIn profile so that it can wow the hiring manager and force them to call you at their company to discuss the role in every aspect.


They have been helping their client get a perfect drafted resume for a decade now and has satisfied the clients at all levels, be it a junior, senior or management role. They have writers all over the world, so you can ask them to write your resume at any point of time. Their main area to service while drafting a resume is to focus on the strengths and the abilities of their clients. They guarantee you for getting hired with the resume and the service they provide. They charge around $199 to $699 per client.

They offer wide range of service which are as follows:

  • Student and entry level Resumes: School dropout student or a newly graduate student are the basic customers for this service from Resume Writing Group. They charge close to $90 for this service.

  • All other Professional Resume: Most of their clients are from this segment where they offer people from a couple of years of experience to something around 10 years. Charge for this service is around $120.

  • Senior and High-Level Executive Resume: Anyone looking for a senior level position are clients under this service. Resume Writing Group charges something around $200 from every client to get the benefits of this service.

Empire Resume:

Empire resume is one of the elite professional resume writing service to elevate your abilities and skills to face the competitiveness in order to grab worthy opportunities. Their 20 years of experience made them the leading resume writing service provider. Their extraordinary credentials and other offerings such as free resume reviews, excellent feedback from customers and so forth has made them brilliant in their approach. Their one on one telephonic interview helps them to know more about the applicant to draft a resume which not only makes the applicant eligible for a job but also upgrade their skills to bring out the very best in him / her. There price starts from $100 to $500 per successful rewritten resume.

Their services include:

  • Resume Writing: In order to make yourself stand out in a pool of applicants, it becomes very necessary to make an effective resume which narrates all the skills of applicants and should not be of more than 2 pages. Empire resume provides these tailored resumes. 

  • LinkedIn Writing: Employers not only check your resume, but they also check the LinkedIn profiles which showcases the applicant's awards and achievements for their understanding.  

  • Cover Letters: Cover letters are equally important as resumes because a well-crafted cover letter not only gives you in the interview table but helps you crack the interview. 

  • Military to civilian resumes which exhibits your military experience and deeds to civilian employers.

Red Rocket Resume: 

Their 10 years of involvement in HR, recruitment and resume writing integrated with thousands of resumes transformed across many customers helps them bring deep proficiency to writing your resume. Before drafting any resume, one should always have a clear understanding of what to include and what not to include. One of the cheapest resume writing service from $100 to $500.

  • What to include?
  • Where to include?
  • How to include?
  • Keywords
  • Your career objectives

There are many more questions which one should ask from themselves before writing the resume. And this is where Red Rocket Resume's expertise comes into play. They understand the requirements of the applicant. 

  • Red Rocket resume provides resumes that exhibits the applicant's distinctive potentials, skills and performance. 

  • They provide the candidates with more clarity in their career advancement. 

  • Conduct more interviews which will help you explore new opportunities that comes your way. 

  • Help you to get more offers for the job you want. 

Five Strengths:

Ms. Amy L. Adler started Five strengths in 2015 and since then the organisation is nurtured by highly motivated and skilful workforce. Five strengths have made their spot in the resume writing domain within a very short span of time. With the help of the knowledgeable staff which five strengths have, they deliver the customers best of resumes by using precise keywords which highlights their career goals , past achievements, personal goals and objectives, expertise they have mastered and so on in an effectual and crisp composition so as to make your resume stand out. Five strengths are considered to be one of the best portals for online resume writing services in United States. They firmly believe that in order to achieve any job offer, one must have a well-constructed resume. They charge somewhere between $200 to $1000.

Among the bunch of companies who advertise to offer their service of resume writing, only a handful provides the justified services:

  • Executive resume writing: If your resumes does not help you to get an interview, it simply means you need to re-write your resume. Five strength's team of executive resume writers creates a highly authentic resumes which opens the door of the interview you wish to give. 

  • Executive career coaching: When a person is standing in the mid of his / her career and do not know what he is supposed to do now, five strengths career transition program gives the client a right direction in his career path. 

  • LinkedIn Profile Development: Aligning your LinkedIn profile according to your professional written resume can be a key to getting shortlisted.

  • Cover Letter writing: Resume goes hand in hand with a Cover letter which can double your chances of getting selected for interviews.

Capstone Resume Services:

It requires a great deal of proficiency and precise methodology to write a productive resume, in these times, a lot of young potential workers are considering help from Capstone Resume Services Inc. 

Let us have a glimpse at the facets which one must notice in Capstone Resume Services before employing their services. They initiate the process for resume writing with a personal in-depth interview where they first have a one -on-one conversation with the potential employee where the writer learns about the applicant's goals, achievements and experience. Then their expertise taps and transcribes that into keyword optimized resume which will entice the attention of hiring managers. There certified resume writer makes it one of the costliest but effective service. It can be between $500 to $5000

Following are the few best services which they offer from their vast range of services:

  • Executive Biography: Capstone provide biography writing services for executives who wish to work in leadership positions. It becomes extremely important to have an outstanding biography because biography not only sells an individual, but it also creates an everlasting image in public about the organisation. 

  • Federal Resume: If someone is looking for an executive, legislative or judicial job, your resume needs to be more comprehensive and it should include all the details about the potential jobseeker thoroughly. 

What made resume writing industry so popular?

Resume writing services gained a lot of popularity because people liked the way these company presented their resume also getting more interviews compared to what they used to get earlier. Anyone writing your resume needs to know the current market standard as well as the generic need of the hiring managers. Resume writing company seems to master this trick. For Workpapa.com, most of their resume writers are certified and have been into recruitment industry as a recruiter or a headhunter. They know exactly what the area could be, where the hiring manager is focusing more. Therefore, they can write their client’s resume according to that. They also charge a legitimate fee which puts the cherry on the cake for their client. They seem to be trusting their resume writer a lot that they can even refund the money as well if the client is not satisfied which has never happened till date. 

These are some of the top resume writing services in Utah who can land you at a job of your dream through creating an eye-catching and a top-notch curriculum vitae.

Resume Writing Pricing

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30-Day Interview Guarantee

Resume writing packages come with a 30-day interview guarantee—or your money back!

Creating resumes that get 40% more job interviews!

Meet Our Career Consultants

Jonathan Hedvat

Resume writer, Copywriter, Entrepreneur

Anuradha Singh

Resume & resume Writer, HR Manager, HR Administrator

Sarah Hedvat

Marketing Executive, Persuasive Writer, Social Media Strategist

Waqar Bari

Professional Resume Writer, Legal Consultant, Quality Assurance & Compliance Manager

Making Resumes That Get More Job Interviews

Client Reviews

I am very happy with my resume, I could not have written it better myself. Delighted with the excellent service from Workpapa. Both my resume and cover letter were brilliantly revamped! Great value for money and also very quick turnaround with the express service if you are in a rush. Service was excellent and on time.

Abigail Lewis

Logistics Manager

Absolutely exceptional service received from signup to delivery and follow up. Gratified with the quality of the service.
The job I got offered is a perfect match for my skills and qualifications which your services so professionally and eloquently made visible.

Sandra Rae


Amazing, I would recommend to anyone.
Work papa was efficient, friendly, highly helpful and very knowledgeable.
I am very satisfied with the output and recommend workpapa to anyone looking for a professional resume writing service.
Excellent attention and highly recommended

Michael Jones

Marketing Analyst

How Does It Work?

First, you select your career level and complete your order on our site.

Then, you complete our simple questionnaire and upload your current documents.

After that, you login to our site and discuss your project and concerns with your writer using our status portal.

Then, your writer will complete your Resume and give it back to you in PDF or Word Doc form.